High-quality early learning settings (both child care and public pre-k) instill a strong foundation of cognitive and social skills in children, which increases their ability to start school ready to succeed. But too many children, particularly in underserved communities, remain without access to early childhood education -- impacting their future school achievement and earnings potential. To promote opportunity for all and a prosperous society, CED works to advance early education throughout the country. CED collaborates with local business leaders, policymakers, and like-minded organizations to increase the quality of, and access to, early education through public and private initiatives.

CED’s refundable tax credit toolkit is designed to offer an array of background resources for the consideration and development of early learning educator refundable tax credits in your state or region. Check out the resources below to help guide you forward.

Select a Category to View Toolkit Resources:

Louisiana ECE Workforce Refundable Tax Credit Background

Committee for Economic Development:The ECE Workforce Investment Tax Credit

Sample ECE Workforce Surveys and Reports

Tax Credit Toolbox: Advocacy Tools You Can Use

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Committee for Economic Development:The ECE Workforce Investment Tax Credit

Pathways to High-Quality Child Care: The Workforce Investment Credit

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