This clearinghouse of information, materials, and data is designed to be used by business leaders, policymakers, and advocates to strengthen the quality of the early childhood education workforce, which is the key to high-quality early learning and care. Children in high-quality programs are more likely to start school ready to learn, graduate from high school, and have better academic and health outcomes.

Improving the early learning workforce involves: (1) building competencies; (2) improving access to higher education; (3) creating professional pathways; and, (4) linking compensation strategies to training and skills development (through salary supplements, wage-based tax credits, and the provision of benefits such as health care, paid leave time, sick time, etc.). The clearinghouse features resources from the Committee for Economic Development, as well as other national and state organizations and educational institutions. As this clearinghouse is intended to include relevant resources on the issue of early educator workforce quality, we welcome suggestions. If interested, please contact Cindy Cisneros at

We are grateful to the Foundation for Child Development and the Alliance for Early Success for making the development of this clearinghouse resource possible.


A high-quality early learning workforce is the cornerstone of high-quality programs. Refundable tax credits linked to early learning credentials or higher levels of education can help ensure that there is both an incentive to attain higher competencies and education and that such efforts are rewarded with wage supplements (refundable tax credits). To learn more about the demographics of young children in each state as well as the wages child care providers earn compared to other early educators in each state, select a state from the map or drop down list below.



Source: U.S. Department of Labor

Childrens Brain Development:
Understanding the Science

Source: Harvard University, Center on the Developing Child

Cost of Quality Child Care

Need for Data

State Quality Rating and Improvement Systems

BUILD Initiative: QRIS Searchable Compendium

Wage and Employment Research